CCT – Tübingen
The China Centre Tübingen (CCT) aims at increasing China expertise at German universities and building a model network structure to develop a new perception of China as a partner for science and economy. In order to achieve the goal of increasing the reflective perception of China, all aspects of economy, research, education, and vocational training are taken into account within the CCT project. This includes communication within the university and knowledge of China expertise in other locations (ChinaDirectory), as well as the perception of new knowledge about and from China (ChinaResources). The CCT supports the development of this process with its ChinaDesk and, at the same time, raises awareness of China within the university and throughout the region with a variety of measures. By networking with the various China expertise projects in Germany, the CCT sees itself as an information broker and information center for China expertise. The CCT's Horizon Change Initiative addresses businesses, science and civil society to accelerate the necessary change, which is a prerequisite for successfully dealing with the new challenges. In the context of the internationalisation promoted at universities, the consideration of China in the discourses of all disciplines is stimulated and promoted.
Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer
Link to project website
CHIKOH – Hohenheim
The project 'China Expertise in Hohenheim' (CHIKOH) aims to promote increase in knowledge and expertise by creating opportunities for networking and exchange between individuals and organisations. CHIKOH combines various measures, such as knowledge transfer for students, junior researchers and experienced scientists through workshops and study programmes, networking and structural development measures with partner institutions in China. It also promotes knowledge transfer and networking with the regional economy. One of these measures is the annual Hohenheim China Dialogue.
University of Hohenheim / Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Project Manager: Dr. Johannes Klenk
Link to project website
CHINATIV – Ismaning
'CHINATIVE - Creative and Innovative: An interdisciplinary approach to develop China expertise with a focus on innovation management' brings together experts and students from the fields of psychology, economics, cultural studies as well as arts & media and compares the German and Chinese approaches on the development of innovation-based processes. The project will make a special contribution to the understanding of creativity and innovation in both countries, and will bundle all measures and outcomes that will facilitate entry barriers to the Chinese market or cooperation with Chinese partners in innovation projects through an innovation network platform.
University of Applied Management (Ismaning) / Institute of Creativity and Innovation
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Min Tang
Link to project website
The idea of the Chinese Project Semester includes imparting China expertise to German Bachelor students specialising in engineering. Basic skills and knowledge critical for successful cooperation with Chinese partners are acquired. These include language skills, job-specific knowledge, a basic understanding of China's economy, politics, modern history as well as society, but above all intercultural skills.
Kiel University of Applied Sciences
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Tobias Specker
Link to project website
CuLTURE China – Karlsruhe
CuLTURE China addresses students and (young) scientists in the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology, earth and environmental sciences as well as cross-cutting sciences in the fields of energy and entrepreneurship. Planned measures include research and project stays of students and (young) scientists, the establishment and expansion of German-Chinese summer schools, the placement of interdisciplinary theses and internships as well as tandem field research projects in China and Karlsruhe, among others. In addition, the establishment of a German-Chinese technology forum and the development of a China expertise center at the KIT China Branch in Suzhou are being pursued.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Projektleitung: Oliver Schmidt
Link to project website
DoKoChi – Dortmund
'DoKoChi' stands for 'Dortmund Competence Center for University-Industry Cooperation with China'. The project facilitates the development of China expertise in central areas of the University of Applied Sciences, the service areas, such as the International Office and the Study Office, and the engineering and economics departments. The target groups for trainings, travels and workshops as well as language and cultural courses are primarily employees in the field of science and administration as well as teachers.
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund / Institute for Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IdiAL)
Project Management: Prof. Dr. Carsten Wolff
Link to project website
MBM – Marburg
The goal of 'Mind│Body│Matter - China Competences in Life Sciences' is to intensify cooperation with China with a technical focus on neuroscience and medicine. The technical and cultural competencies of scientists, doctoral candidates, students and science managers necessary for the development and management of cooperation in research as well as teaching and learning with China are to be promoted and expanded to make individual research contacts and communication paths in individual disciplines and with respective partners more sustainable and efficient.
Philipps-University Marburg / Administration Unit VI: International Office and Family Services
Project Management: Petra Kienle
Link to project website
QZCHK – Konstanz
The China Center is a central training, information and advisory facility for the promotion of China expertise at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz. It provides information on current developments in China and promotes cooperation and exchange with China as well as networking of various China related activities in the region.
The China Center develops and implements target group-specific qualification courses 'China competencies' for students, teachers, personnel in university administration and university management. At the heart of the training courses are experience-oriented modules in domestic Asian teams, accompanied by individual intercultural coaching (approach: 'get_connected'). The China Center organises China excursions for students including intercultural seminars at partner universities and on-site business workshops. It promotes the development of joint teaching and research with partners of Chinese universities and the development of cooperative study programmes, especially in technical disciplines. The China Center advises teachers, researchers and university leaders on issues of cooperation with Chinese university partners. It informs students about study and internship opportunities in China and establishes a network with alumni of the university that are active in China. With China lectures and movie nights, the China Center contributes to the discussion of current China related topics in the university and in the wider public.
The experience of this project as well as best-practice-examples of other German Universities are published in the 'Handbook for the Expansion of China Expertise at German Universities' (Verlag transcript, Open Access, 2022, only available in German).
HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences / Business, Cultural and Legal Studies Department / Asian Studies (AS)
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Thelen
Link to project website
TiCK – Paderborn
The aim of TiCK Paderborn is to establish a nationwide, central, intercultural China expertise center, in particular for research and teaching as well as transfer and business in primarily technical, natural-scientific and economically-oriented fields of science. In addition to common intercultural expertise, the different understanding of research and innovation, business models and revenue mechanisms as well as work and cooperation practices in technical scientific disciplines will be conveyed.
University of Paderborn
Project Management: Prof. Dr. Holger Karl
Link to project website
TUC-China – Clausthal
The objective of the China Competence Center of the Clausthal University of Technology is to improve intercultural expertise by improving the general knowledge about China and increasing interest in China. Research centers in the fields of energy, materials, information and resources as well as the Sino-German innovation platforms 'Clean Energy' and 'Intelligent Manufacturing' are included. The China Competence Center offers students, employees and professors the opportunity to gain personal China experience through cooperating in German-Chinese working groups and by participating in an exchange programme as part of joint study or research projects.
Clausthal University of Technology / China Representative of the Bureau
Project Management: Prof. Dr. Michael Z. Hou
Link to project website
As a science initiative, TUWITECH aims to bundle the expertise available in 'Science and Technology of China' at the TU Berlin. The goal is to become one of the best contact points for students and scientists in engineering and economics interested in China and to support research cooperation between TU Berlin and Chinese partner institutions. Within the framework of TUWITECH, the cultural dimension of science and technology is to be imparted to students, (junior) scientists, university heads and managers, and founders as well as individuals wishing to start up a business.
Technical University of Berlin / Center for Cultural Studies on Science and Technology in China
Project Management: Dr. Sigrun Abels
Link to project website