From 2011-2020, the Sino-German Innovation Platform (SGIP) served as a forum for exchanging views on current developments in both innovation systems and discussing future approaches to innovation policy. Leading scientists, institutions and companies from both countries participated in the innovation platform. A German-Chinese group of experts supported the platforms functional structure and content creation.
The innovation conferences were regular highlights of the bilateral dialogue. They took place alternately in Germany and China. These events not only offered opportunities for knowledge exchange, but also for networking between the actors from research, politics and business from both countries.
In addition to the major conferences, the platform offered policy dialogues and workshops by the expert group. The aim of these events was to deepen the dialogue and to identify new relevant topics for discussion. In addition, national networking events for German China experts took place regularly.
The German expert group regularly published policy briefs. These highlight relevant developments in the Chinese innovation system and possible implications for Germany.
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) were the initiators of the Sino-German Innovation Platform. They laid the foundation for the platform during the first German-Chinese government consultations in 2011. Since 2014, the innovation platform has been coordinated by the DLR Project Management Agency and the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development (CASTED).
Additional information is available in German.