BMBF portal 'Kooperation international'

The communication portal 'Kooperation international' points the way towards international cooperation in education, research and innovation. It is a networking platform for research and education institutions as well as business companies.

Screenshot of the Website Kooperation international

Web portal 'Kooperation international' © DLR

Success through networking - globally

The online portal 'Kooperation international' (international cooperation) that is managed on behalf of the for the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) supports the collaboration between research and education institutions and researching companies. For this purpose, it offers news on a daily basis together with background information displayed in various formats.

'Kooperation international' is aimed at everyone wishing to cooperate with other countries regarding education and research, who is interested in cross-border cooperations or who offers advisory and agent services. It is further aimed at researchers and scientists, research institutions, universities, agencies, companies focused on innovation and trading internationally, key education and research staff as well as employees of the ministries responsible at federal or state level.

'Kooperation international' is jointly maintained by the Division 'European and International Cooperation' of DLR Projektträger, and VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH.

Information, communication, cooperation

Kooperation international

'Kooperation international' bundles current information about international activities from the German education and research landscape and provides in-depth background information relevant to cooperation for more than 120 countries and on more than 20 specialised and cross-sectional topics.

Portraits of Germany’s most important partner countries in relation to education and research policy constitute another important focus of its content. Country pages have been set up for around 40 countries that feature calls for propsals, news, events, documents and institutional links, together with educational indicators and science and technology indicators. Other countries are covered through regional pages. Country reports are published for about 30 countries. This is supplemented with information on the activities of multilateral organisations. Regarding innovation, you can access around 20 cluster portraits of leading high tech regions across the world. These regions are offering potential for cooperation and constitute an important benchmark for German actors.

You can use the continually updated content to find the information matching your current interests.

If you would like to publish your own international activities to the wide-ranging community of users, you can post your contributions on 'Kooperation international' at any time as news, event notices or announcements.

E-mail subscription

You can receive all the current information from the portal using an individualised configured email subscription. This allows you to determine which contents you wish to receive (e.g. news, calls for proposals, events) and how often you wish to receive them: immediately, daily, weekly or monthly.

 Customise e-mail subscription 

Monthly newsletters 'inside' and 'ITB infoservice'

The monthly newsletter 'inside' provides information selected by the editors from the operators and partners of 'Kooperation international', including on calls for proposals and event information.

The 'ITB infoservice' newsletter, which is also published monthly, reports on strategic current developments in international education, research, technology and innovation policy across the world and is an important source for decision-makers in politics, science and research. The individual notifications are supplemented by valuable background information, contextual knowledge and references to the original documents. Special issues focus on a current topic or on a region.

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