In order to assess the quality of the international dimension of a science and innovation system, valid indicators are needed. However, a generally recognised and internationally comparable set of indicators is not yet available. Against this background, the Federal Government announced the development of a national monitoring system for internationalisation in its 'Internationalization Strategy' published in 2017. The indicators are intended to allow a direct comparison with other countries and will be closely interlinked with European and international monitoring processes. At European level, one example is the so-called ERA Monitoring Mechanism (EMM), which monitors the implementation of the priorities for the European Research Area. Internationally, the OECD is an important point of reference.
DLR Projektträger supports the BMBF in gradually developing a set of generally accepted indicators. Possible approaches for a quantifiable description and assessment of the degree of internationalisation were defined in close cooperation with research and intermediary organisations as well as other key players. This dialogue will continue. Its aims is to further sharpen the common approach as well as optimise and synchronise ongoing reporting and coordination processes in the field of internationalisation indicators at national, European and international level. For example, selected indicators are included in the biennial 'Federal Government Report on International Cooperation in Education, Science and Research' (Federal Government Report on International Cooperation in Education, Science and Research) first published in 2017.