The various services offered by the International Bureau support the international activities of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). They are based on the political strategies and concepts of the Federal Government – above all the internationalisation strategy in science and research. They are also in line with the framework and specialised programmes of the Federal Ministry of Research and its bi- and multilateral agreements with partners around the world.
In order to prepare and further develop these cooperation strategies and to offer an international benchmarking of German research and innovation policies, the International Bureau monitors and analyses international developments in research and education policy.
An important part of the work of the International Bureau is to advise project partners and promote international cooperation projects. The graphic below shows the individual steps during the development process.
The International Bureau is increasingly focusing on its involvement in the measures and projects to design the European Research Area. In this context, the International Bureau contributes to an effective representation of Germany’s interests alongside the increasing internationalisation of the European Research Area. On the other hand, greater coordination with the strategies of other European states compared to third-party states is also achieved.
In addition, the International Bureau supports the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in its cooperation with European and multinational organisations (such as the OECD and UNESCO).
Service provider for international cooperation
These are some of the activities of the International Bureau in the field of international cooperation:
- develop funding concepts, processes and tools,
- provide bespoke technical, geographical and intercultural information and advice,
- facilitate funding acquisition and offer technical support for projects,
- support the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in its various activities,
- compile internationalisation and technical strategies,
- help to develop international programmes,
- accompany local advertising measures (promote Germany as a favourable location for research and innovation),
- plan and organise international events.