Annual Reports

From 2007 to 2011, the International Bureau published annual reports informing about its many tasks as well as key projects and figures. Meanwhile, an overview of the International Bureau's activities has been integrated into the annual report of  DLR Projektträger. Please note that these reports are only available in German language.

Cover of the annual reports

The comprehensive portfolio of services of the International Bureau (IB) supports the internationally oriented activities of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung – BMBF). They are adapted to the political strategies and concepts of the German government – first and foremost to the 'Internationalisation Strategy in Science and Research', but also the framework and BMBF programmes as well as bi- and multi-lateral agreements with partners of the BMBF all over the world.

As a prerequisite for the preparation and continued development of cooperation strategies as well as to support an international benchmarking of German research and innovation policy, the IB monitors and analyses international research and education policy developments. In addition, the IB designs, develops and maintains Internet portals for international cooperation in research and education.

Core Competencies

The IB's core competencies lie in the conception, implementation and evaluation of strategies, projects and programmes for worldwide cooperation activities on topics that are important in the context of research policy. It assumes the management of international tendering for contracts as well as the technical and administrative execution of all phases of project funding. Moreover, the IB offers information and consulting primarily for international education and research collaboration to stakeholders in the science and commercial sectors.

The IB uses the funds provided by the BMBF for the exploration, initiation and expansion of international cooperation between German universities, non-university institutions and companies.

Download Annual Reports

Here you can download all available annual reports of the International Bureau. Meanwhile, an overview of the IB's activities has been integrated into the annual reports of DLR Projektträger.

The International Bureau within DLR Projektträger

The International Bureau is an organisational unit within DLR Projektträger, the project management agency of the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR).

As one of the largest project management agencies in Germany, DLR Projektträger has been providing comprehensive, knowledge-based services for the management of research, education and innovation for almost 50 years. Its clients include federal ministries, the European Commission, federal states, as well as scientific organisations and associations.

It advises on strategies and programmes, manages accompanying dialogue processes, plans and assumes the operational implementation of funding programmes, supports knowledge transfer, and evaluates the impact of the programmes and initiatives of its clients. The approximately 1,400 highly qualified employees of DLR Projektträger manage around 12,000 projects annually with a funding volume of a good 2.3 billion euros.

The range of topics extends from education, equal opportunities, health, society, innovation, technology, the environment and sustainability up to European and international cooperation, and is always offered on an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary basis, depending on the requirements. Its portfolio is complemented by the Competence Centres for Science Communication, Public Relations, as well as Analysis and Evaluation.

DLR Projektträger is a central pillar of the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt or DLR) and complements its scientific orientation.