ITB information service - special issues

The ITB information service is a free newsletter which summarises contributions on current global research, education, technology and innovation policies on a monthly basis. It is published together with VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH. Special issues with a regional or thematic focus are compiled twice a year.

cover  ITB infoservice special issue 16


The newsletter ITB information service is published by the International Bureau of the DLR Project Management Agency together with VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH. It reports monthly on strategic developments in international education, research, technology and innovation policy. More than 1,000 subscribers, primarily from federal ministries, national and regional research and agent organisations and the broad science and innovation landscape in Germany use it as an important source for decision-makers in politics, science and research.

Since 2010, special issues on regions or topics of interest are compiled twice a year. So far, these issues have looked at research and innovation in Nordic countries, Latin America, South-East Asia, the Danube region, Russia, Europe and Africa.

Contrary to the regular newsletter, which consists primarily of freely accessible online news, the articles of the special issues are created by experts at the International Bureau and at VDI-TZ, international cooperation partners, project partners and other experts from and for the regions.

Please note that most special issues are predominantly written in German, but may contain some articles in English. In exceptional cases (e.g. No. 12 and No. 16) all main contributions are in English, with German abstracts.


Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.16 – Germany & Canada: Celebrating 50 Years of Scientific-Technological Cooperation

The many global crises of today are drawing democracies closer together. What great advantage it is to be able to build upon a solid base in research and innovation – like there is between Canada and Germany! The Agreement on Scientific-Technological Cooperation between these two countries entered into force on 30 June 1971. The 16th Special Edition of the ITB infoservice is thus dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the scientific-technological cooperation between Canada and Germany.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.15 – Changes in Knowledge Transfer

Never before has it been as valuable as it is today: an effective and efficient knowledge transfer that involves the population, accelerates the implementation of scientific findings in politics and practice, and pools global knowledge resources to create innovations. The last few months have demonstrated how important such innovations can be in protecting individual and economic activities in the face of a rapidly spreading pandemic. The 15th special issue of the ITB info-service focuses on the development and promotion of Open Science and Open Innovation, and approaches these topics from an international perspective. 

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.14 – Digital Change through Education, Research and Innovation

Digital technologies are already influencing all areas of our lives, while research, development and innovation in the future technologies blockchain, Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum technologies are being expedited at an accelerating pace. The diverse funding initiatives, cooperations and guidelines at national and international level have long since taken a prominent place in our reporting. The 14th special issue of the ITB infoservice 'Digital Change through Education, Research and Innovation - Global Competition and International Guardrails' provides overview and orientation knowledge in this important area.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.13 – Foresight und Roadmapping: Strategically forming the Future

Foresight and Roadmapping are tools for looking ahead to the future on a methodologically sound basis to carry out strategic planning. The 13th special issue of the ITB infoservice focuses on the methods that are employed. The second chapter covers European and national foresight and roadmapping activities, as exemplified by the industrialised country Japan and the emerging countries Russia and India. The third section explores the question as to how economy and society use foresight and roadmapping processes in order to identify global challenges and new technologies and to adopt them.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.12 – Science and Innovation in Africa: International Funding and Cooperation

Africa is an emerging continent with high potential. There are opportunities for further development in many sectors. The 12th special issue of the ITB infoservice 'Science and Innovation in Africa: International Funding and Cooperation' opens up this broad field thematically and geographically. While the focus is on Sub-Saharan Africa, we have included North African countries wherever they are involved in pan-African initiatives. As always, a range of guest authors have contributed their expert knowledge to creating this issue.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.11 – Strategies for International Cooperation in Research and Innovation

In February 2017, the German Federal Government adopted its strategy for the internationalisation of education, science and research as a further development of the first internationalisation strategy of 2008. The 11th special issue of the ITB infoservice uses the occasion to take a look beyond everyday business to see how other countries position themselves strategically in a time of progressing globalisation.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.10 – Innovation in China

China is a strategic partner country of Germany and one of the few countries with which Germany performs regular government consultations. Particularly in the area of ​​innovation, China has become an important partner. The 10th special issue of the ITB infoservice 'Innovation in China' therefore raises a deeper look at the innovation landscape in China.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.9 – Research facility Europe? The EU enlargement since 2004

The 10th anniversary of the EU eastward enlargement was celebrated in 2014. The 9th special issue of the ITB infoservice 'Research facility Europe? The EU enlargement since 2004' focuses on how the integration of new member states has affected their research and innovation landscape, but also the effect on the EU itself.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.8 – International research institutions in Asia

The 8th special issue highlights examples of international research partnerships in Asia. The internationalisation of STI increasingly involves the establishment of joint research labs or the foundation of own research subsidiaries in foreign countries.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.7 – Diversity and Synergy: Multilateral Cooperation

The 7th special issue covers the different aspects of multilateral cooperation and focuses on global and European facilities and networks. The goal of this issue is to provide an insight in the broad range of governmental and non-governmental cooperation.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.6 – MENA-Region: Change in the Arab World

The 6th special issue of the ITB infoservice 'Mena-Region: Change in the Arab World' provides an overview of the current trends and developments of research and innovation within the Arab world and shows the different facets of the transitions taking place in this region.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No. 5 – Russia: Modernisation through Innovation and Research

In this 5th edition of the ITB infoservice 'Russia – Modernisation through Innovation and Research' we present exemplary regional and national research and innovation policies and show different facets of cooperation in education, research and development between Russia and Germany respectively the EU.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No. 4 – Danube Region: Integration through Research and Innovation

The 4th special issue of the ITB infoservice 'Danube Region – Integration through Research and Innovation' is being published in the context of the Danube Area Macro-regional Strategy, which was adopted under the Hungarian presidency by the Council of the European Union and focalises on research and innovation regarded as building blocks of integration in the Danube Region.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No. 3 – Southeast Asia: Research and Innovation Region of the Future?

In this 3rd special issue of the ITB infoservice 'Southeast Asia : Research and Innovation Region of the Future?' we present exemplary regional and national research and higher education initiatives in Southeast Asia. A focal point is the establishment issue of the ASEAN association of states as regional cooperation platforms in research and education as well as the development of national innovation systems.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issueNo.2 – Sustainability and Innovation in Latin America

The focal point of ITB infoservice’s 2nd special issue is to introduce exemplary regional and supra-regional initiatives from and in cooperation with South America. Sustainability and innovation are the main themes of this issue. A representative selection of various countries was taken into account.

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Logo ITB infoservice special issue No.1 – Innovation in the Nordic Countries

The European Year of Creativity and Innovation was held in 2009. The Scandinavian countries have a lot to offer in these fields. Therefore the 1st special issue focuses on Innovation in the Nordic Countries.

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