Funding opportunities
For up-to-date information please visit our web page 'Current Announcements'.
Please get in touch, if you have any questions about the support services provided by the International Bureau.
Political framework
No formal agreement relating to the bilateral education and research cooperation has been concluded so far.
Priorities of the cooperation
Several projects have successfully been implemented within research cooperation between Germany and Thailand. 34 BMBF-funded bi-lateral mobility projects were funded. Currently, the BMBF supports the Ecoplate project seeking to improve energy efficiency of electroplating plants and processes. Within the Ecoplate project, the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing, Engineering and Automation (IPA) and the Metallurgy and the Materials Science Research Institute (MMRI) at Chulalongkorn University are jointly establishing a research centre at MMRI in Bangkok. Since 2017, BMBF has regularly participated in the multilateral 'Calls for Research Proposals of the Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme'. Up to now, 12 joint research projects have been selected for funding under this scheme.
The thematic focus of funded projects is in the areas of:
- Health Research / Infectious Diseases
- Nutrition/ Agriculture / Bioeconomy
- Environment / Renewable Energies / Climate Change / Biodiversity
- Integrated Water Resource Management
- Nanotechnologies
The role of the International Bureau
On behalf of the BMBF, the International Bureau aims to extend the international networking of German universities, research institutions and businesses in order to enhance the position of German science and industry in terms of expertise and innovation. The International Bureau thereby contributes to implementing the international dimension of the specialist programmes of the BMBF.