India is of high interest for research in the field of composites as the global challenges for sustainable mobility and energy generation must be solved due to its growing and increasing affluent population. The CoE India project thus focussed on using composites for light-weighting in transportation sector and using composites for cost efficient applications in the construction industry.
Scientific Background
The collaboration between different partners of CoE India project was associated with the establishment of three core competences namely materials, production processes and simulation methods for fiber reinforced composites. The chair for light-weight technologies as a part of the Institute of Vehicle System Technology (FAST) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany has a vast experience in simulation methods for materials and processes. Ahmedabad Textile Industry’s Research Association (ATIRA), India has established its major competences in applied R&D in the field of textile manufacturing and processing since more than 50 years. Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT), Germany is involved in the materials and process development for composites for exploring new applications while considering high-volume manufacturing aspect. All the partners were collaboratively contributing to build the core competencies already mentioned.
Projects and Objectives
- Establishing a test laboratory for composites
Purchase and installation of test equipment’s, and standardizing the test procedures for characterizing composites according to international test standards - Developing new textile materials
Analyzing various locally available raw materials, developing alternative hybrid reinforcement structures (Woven, Knitted and Nonwovens) and exploring newer materials suitable for composite applications - Design, Simulation and Analysis
A center for product development and simulation will be built with latest design and simulation software tools - Investigation, review and establishment of manufacturing processes
Installing relevant composite manufacturing process technologies for carrying out various research and development projects on composites - Prototype manufacturing and development
Prototype development using newly developed materials and production processes to establish new applications
The outcome of this joint center would be in the form of an intriguing and highly productive platform serving the industry and institutes working on composite technologies as a whole. Through the established center the scientific and technological collaboration between Germany and India will further strengthen leading to know-how sharing of experts, creating new employment opportunities, competence building and strengthening of the composite industries along the value chain in both the partner countries.