May 2008 - October 2009
The German environmental technology industry is particularly an international leader in clean air, noise protection and recycling technology: The German export proportion of global trading in so-called potential environmental protection goods was 19 percent in 2003. The demand for innovative environmental technology and planning knowledge from Germany is perpetually on the rise in Central and Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. Today, 1.5 million people already work in companies developing environmental technologies. Germany’s research and development spending in the environmental area make it a leader in Europe, and at 23 percent, its environmental protection patent registrations are higher than those in the USA (22 percent) and Japan (19 percent).
In addition to the traditional recycling and water management services, environmental technologies also include all technical products and processes, which benefit a future-oriented, sustainable focus of the economy. As a result, the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources and the reduction of harmful environmental impacts are stated research and development targets.
The BMBF supported German research institutions, competence networks and researching companies in marketing their know-how in the mentioned technologies internationally in the context of a comprehensive location campaign lasting from April 2008 to December 2009.