INCO-NET MIRA (IncoNet Mediterranean Partners Countries)

Together with 28 partners from the EU and "Mediterranean Partner Countries" (MPCs) the International Bureau is participating in INCO-NET MIRA (Mediterranean Innovation and Research Coordination Action). The project was launched in Januar 2008.



The objective of the MIRA project is the promotion of dialogue in research and innovation between the EU and the MPCs (Mediterranean Partner Countries). MIRA thus strives to further deepen the regional cooperation within the framework of the EU Neighbourhood Policy and the Union for the Mediterranean. It is in line with the objectives of the Monitoring Committee for the Euro-Mediterranean S & T Cooperation in RTD "(MoCo). The MIRA project has a duration of 48 months.


Project coordinator is a representative of Spain's Superior Research Council (CSIC). The IB is co-coordinator of WP 4 and within this WP responsible for the realisation of thematic workshops aiming at formulating SICAs (Specific International Cooperation Actions) within FP 7. In total 28 partners from the EU and MPCs take part in the project:

Spain: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Morocco: Direction de la Technologie. Ministere de la education Superieur, de la Formation des Cadres et de la recherché Scientifique
France: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
Tunesia: Direction General de Recherché
Egyt: Ministry of Higher education and State for Scientific Research
Germany: Internationales Büro des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung im Projektträger beim Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Italy: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Greece: National Hellenic Research Foundation
Algeria: Direction de la Recherché Scientifique et du Développement Technologique
Turkey: Turkish Academy of Sciences
Malta: Malta Council for Science and Technology
Jordan: Higher Council for Science and Technology
Italy: CIHEAM-Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo die Bari
France: Euro-Mediterranean Universities Network
Germany: WIP GmbH und Co.
Algeria: Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables
Israel: Israel-Europe R&D Directorate
Egypt: Academy of Scientific Research & Technology
Lebanon: Conseil National de la Recherche Scientifique
Spain: Autonomous Government of Madrid
Lebanon: Arab Open University
Turkey: The Scientific & Technological research Council of Turkey
Spain: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
Palestinian Territories: Directorate General of Development & Scientific Research
Tunesia: Observatoire National des Sciences et de la Technologie
Morocco: National Centre for Scientific and Technological Research
Great Britain: British Council
Portugal: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia


INCO-Net MIRA was launched with a kick-off-event on 10-11 January 2008 in Carmona (Spain). The work schedule for the first project phase was determined and content as well as objectives of the individual work packages (WP) were discussed.

A so called "screening conference" concerning WP 4 took place in Kairo in April 2008.  Based on previous EU-activities in the Mediteranean region priorities were set and the details of further proceedings harmonized. The International Beureau was responsible for the thematic content of the conference. Icorporating the results five workshops were held in the frame of WP 4 in 2009 to identify priorities. The developed topics and further suggestions will be presented to the respective departments of the European Commission with a recommendation to incorporate them in the work programmes of 2011. The 5 thematic workshops of WP 4 took place between January and June 2009:

  1. Environment (26-27 January 2009 in Kairo)
  2. Energy (23-24 March 2009 in Kairo)
  3. Health Research (4-5 June 2009 in Malta)
  4. ICT (18-19 June 2009 in Istanbul)
  5. Agriculture, biotechnology and food (13-14 July 2008 in Bari/ Italy)

In addition other project activities to be highlighted are: 

  • In the field of "capacity building" the following trainings were held:
    • 11-12 May 2009: Training of the Information Points in Tunis
    • 18-20 July 2009: Training for FP 7 Information Points a.o. from Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Tunesia, Algeria, Syria and Jordan in El-Gouna, Egypt.
  • In March 2009 a workshop with te topic "Scientific Indicators and Cooperation Measures" was held. 
  • Implementation of pilot action to promote technology transfer (a.o. analysis of technology transfer structures in the participating countries).
  • Development of activities in the context of "Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space" like identifying innovation players in the MPCs and  designing a website.