IncoNet CA/SC was an extension of the ongoing project IncoNet EECA - S&T International Co-operation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian Countries. Both projects were funded under the 7th European Framework Programme for. There were two major reasons for this extension:
- The IncoNet EECA is "dominated" by larger countries in the network (e. g. Russia, Ukraine) with a high scientific potential and close bonds with the EU. ;
- It was hardly possible to find partners from smaller Central Asian countries or from South Causasus when implementing IncoNet EECA.
That is the reason why the 7. European Framework Programme funded another international cooperation network IncoNet CA/SC. The project lasted for 36 months starting on 1 April 2010.
Primary objective of IncoNet CA/SC was the intensification of cooperation between ERA countries and nations from the CA/SC region. The project seeked to expand and increase interna-tional S&T cooperation activities by boosting awareness and mutual understanding of each other’s respective S&T landscapes. To this end, IncoNet CA/SC focused especially on Turkmenistan (TM), Tajikistan (TJ), Kyrgyzstan (KYR), and Moldova (MO).
The consortium aimed to:
- Identify the most important research organisations and scientific institutions in Central Asian, the South Caucasus and Moldova as potential partners for cooperation with the European Union;
- analyse and steer the development of scientific cooperation and the related political dialogue;
- improve research and development conditions in the participating countries;
- strengthen the structure and capacities of National Contact Points in the target regions and improve their networking;
- enhance the potential of innovation policies and support the participation of the private sector in the EU Framework Programme.
The IncoNet CA/SC merges the interests of 28 partners.
- International Centre for Black Sea Studies, ICBSS, Greece
- International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research-German Aerospace Center, DLR, Germany
- Independent Expert Consulting Board to Promote Scientific Research Activity in Kazakhstan, InExCB-KZ, Kaszakhstan
- Archimedes Foundation, Archimedes, Estonia
- The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, TUBITAK, Turkey
- Georgian National Science Foundation, GNSF, Georgia
- Committee for Coordination of Science and Technology Development, IUCP-T, Uzbekistan
- Centre for Social Innovation, ZSI, Austria
- Centre of Ideas and Technologies, CIT, Armenia
- Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas-Help Forward Network, H-F, Greece
- National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Azerbaijan, ANAS, Azerbajian
- Academy of Sciences of Moldova, ASM, Moldova
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS, France
- National Center on Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan, CMRP-Kz, Kaszakhstan
- Central Scientific Library of the Ministry of Education and Science, CSL-Kz, Kaszakhstan
- National Library of Kyrgyzstan, NLKR, Kyrgyzstan
- Research Institute of Water and Hydro-energy Problems of the Kyrgyz Republic Academy of Sciences, IWP, Kyrgyzstan
- Public Foundation EnConsult, EnConsult, Kyrgyzstan
- Society for Development of Scientific Cooperation, SODESCO, Tajikistan
- Public Organisation ‘Modern Scientists’, MS, Tajikistan
- Institute of Material Sciences of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, IMS-Zu, Uzbekistan
- Scientific Center ‘Ecoservice’, Ecoservice, Uzbekistan
- National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, NAS-RA, Armenia
- Institute of Geology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, GIA, Azerbaijan
- Scientific-Research Institute for Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry of Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, GPOGC, Azerbaijan
- Caucasus School of Business, CSB, Georgia
- Georgian Research and Development Foundation, GRDF, Georgia
- General Secretariat for Research and Technology, GSRT, Greece
Central activities (divided into eight work packages or ‘WP’) of the project comprise:
- WP1: Enhancing bi-regional S&T Policy Dialogue
- WP2: Coordination with other EU
- WP3: Strengthening the participation of CA/SC&MO in FP7
- WP4: Supporting the NCPs/NIPs in SC/CA countries
- WP5: Analyses, Monitoring and Review
- WP6: Quality and Sustainability
- WP7: Communication and Dissemination activities
- WP8: Management
Germany is significantly engaged in IncoNet CA/SC. The IB ist the largest partner in this consortium and head of two work packages (WP1, WP7).
Selection of activities 2010/2011
IncoNet CA/SC started with a Kick-off Meeting on 29 and 30 April 2010 in Istanbul. The event was organised in close cooperation with the ongoing IncoNet EECA project, whose Management Board Meeting took place on 30 April after the Kick-off Meeting. More than 40 persons from the consortium, representatives of the European Commission and observers from ICBSS took part in the event.
- Participation in ESOF 2010, Turin: July 2010
- InfoDays «Path to Europe: the Seventh Framework Program of the EU on Research and Technological development, FP7» , Tashkent: September 2010
- InfoDays «Information & Brokerage Event: Environment», Yerevan: September 2010
- Participation in ICT 2010, Brussels: September 2010
- Management Board Meeting in Warsaw: November 2010
- Missions to the Target Regions: February/March 2011
- Policy Stakeholders' Conference «Evaluation approaches in S&T policy making: sharing good practices», Astana: May 2011
- NCP Training, Bonn: April 2011
- Participation in BIOTECHNICA 2011, Hanover: October 2011
Selection of activities 2012
- Workshop on innovation & potential CIP in CA/SC and Moldova
- DCI workshop in Dushanbe
- ENPI workshop in Tiblisi
- Management Board Meeting 2012
- NCP training in Bishkek and Regional Correspondents' Workshop
- Policy Stakeholders' Conference in Tiblisi