11 - 13 June 2019 | Athens, Greece
Keynotes on knowledge transfer and exercises (practical application of knowledge) will give participants the opportunity to gain practical experience and hone their skills with regard to the transfer of knowledge and technology.
Addressing individual motives, incentives and possible forms of commercialisation early in the process helps formulating a shared objective with regard to the commercialization of project outcomes, which is the aim of the first day of the training measure.
On the second Workshop day, the formation of ideas plays a particular role in developing a shared objective for the commercialisation of R&D results. Participants will form groups to identify practical applications of their R&D results (technological applications) in a first step and define in a second step unmet customer needs and work on a better understanding of these needs (market development).
Dr. Hans-Peter Niller
Tel. +49 228 3821 1468