Horizon Europe - National Launch Event Germany

The Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research invite you to take part in a  joint national launch event on 8 February 2021, which will mark the start of 'Horizon Europe' the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The event will be held in German language.

High-ranking speakers from politics, science and business will present and discuss the direction of the programme.

The event will be held as a purely virtual format.

Please note that this event will be held in German language.

After successful registration, you will receive a corresponding participation link.


 Online registration (in German, closed now)

Additional information

Conference Agenda (in German)

German Portal on Horizon Europe (in German)


If you have any questions regarding this virtual conference, please get in touch with this contact person:

DLR Projekt Management Agency (DLR-PT)
Jacqueline Bauer
+49 228 3821 2004
